The Top 3 Benefits of Commercial Wall-Mounted Hand Dryers

Electric Hand Dryers for All Facilities

As the new year unfolds, businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, save costs, and adopt sustainable practices. One such solution that checks all these boxes is the installation of electric hand dryers.

Here are the top benefits of installing commercial wall-mounted hand dryers.

Electric Wall-Mounted Hand Dryer Benefits

You can benefit from electric hand dryers, no matter your facility – a restaurant, a sporting venue or arena, an apartment complex, etc. People need to dry their hands after washing them. It’s either an electric hand dryer or *gulp* paper towels.

Yes, it’s the 21st century, and some facilities still use paper towels. We’ve written articles and studies show that electric hand dryers end up costing less, are more environmentally friendly, and cleaner than paper towels. How? Let’s explore why electric hand dryers are a superior choice over paper towels, highlighting their cost savings, environmental advantages, and hygienic benefits.

1. Cost Savings

Looking to save money this year? Electric hand dryers can help by eliminating the need to purchase paper towels for your restroom. Not only that, but hand dryers actually require less maintenance than paper towel dispensers. Plus, custodians can be more efficient by not spending any amount of time disposing of garbage bins full of used paper towels, picking up paper towels off the floor, or fixing issues caused by paper towels being flushed.

Be sure to check out our savings calculator to see how much your facility can by using hand dryers vs. paper towels.

2. Environmentally Friendly

Going green is no longer an advantage for companies; it’s expected. Hand dryers eliminate a huge amount of waste. Just think of how many paper towels you use to dry your hands. Now multiply that times the number of people in your company or who use your facility. That’s just one day!

Switching to green hand dryers eliminates this unnecessary waste and its negative impact on the environment. Fewer paper towels used means less deforestation, making hand dryers a tree-friendly alternative.

Hand dryers require exactly zero trees to be cut down. Paper towels obviously can’t say the same.

3. Hygienic Advantages

Many people think there is no hygienic difference between paper towels and electric hand dryers. After all, your hands are clean after washing them, right?

Sort of. Unfortunately, not everyone cleans their hands properly after using the restroom. After doing so, bathroom visitors repeatedly touch the handle of the paper towel dispenser, spreading germs. While there are now automatic dispensers, that doesn’t eliminate the used paper towels that could sit in garbage bins for hours, or even days, collecting more restroom germs. Click to learn more about hand dryer hygiene.

High-Speed Hand Dryer Benefits

Things you can do in 8 seconds:

  • Tie your shoes
  • Button your coat
  • Send a text message
  • Eat a chocolate chip cookie
  • Open a bottle of wine

And now, with high-speed hand dryers, you can even dry your hands. A well-designed high-speed hand dryer is fast and retains eco-friendly energy levels.

While we can’t do anything about long lines waiting to go into bathrooms, fast hand dryers can help reduce long lines of people waiting to dry their hands after washing. Your facility doesn’t make money when employees or visitors are in the restroom. High-speed hand dryers get them out as fast as possible.

Automatic Hand Dryer Benefits

Automatic hand dryers have built-in sensors that detect motion and turn on and off accordingly. As explained earlier, electric hand dryers are more hygienic than paper towels. However, these automatic hand dryers are even more hygienic than push-button hand dryers. Remember, not everyone washes their hands properly, and those same people push the button to activate the hand dryer.

Automatic hand dryers require less maintenance than both paper towel dispensers and push-button dryers. Less maintenance results in a lower cost over a long period of time.

This is the year for you to make your mark on your company and its facility. Make the decision to switch to a commercial wall-mounted hand dryer and enjoy cost savings and eco-friendly benefits while making your restroom a little cleaner.