Tagged: HEPA

A person wearing latex gloves uses spray and a paper towel to clean a white surface

Hand Dryer Maintenance and Cleaning

How to Sanitize Your Restroom: Hand Dryer Maintenance and Cleaning Maintaining a clean and sanitary restroom is essential for any facility to promote a healthy environment and protect its visitors from harmful germs and bacteria. While regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces is crucial, many overlook the importance of sanitizing hand dryers themselves. In this blog, […]

Clear the Air HEPA Filter for Hand Dryers

Clean and Dry: Hand Dryers with HEPA Filters

In a time where businesses and consumers alike are thinking about safety and hygiene, it’s time we clear the air on HEPA filters.  Hand dryers alone are hygienic, but adding a HEPA filter gives consumers an added level of confidence that a commercial facility has made the extra effort to ensure clean filtered air.   What […]