Green Restaurant Association companies team together; Sunday speech to address environmental issues vital to restaurant and foodservice professionals
March 30, 2006 – Chicago, IL – For the first time ever at the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Restaurant Hotel-Motel Show, companies who have recently received product endorsements from the Green Restaurant Association (GRA) have come together to create the Green Restaurant Products Pavilion. This collaborative exhibit aims to communicate the GRA’s envirocentric goals and includes Waterless Co., Sloan Valve Company, Huhtamaki, Excel Dryer, Inc., Cascades Tissue Group, and T&S Brass, Inc. Participating vendors will demonstrate how restaurant owners can employ their products to save energy, resources and money, and the GRA will provide environmental information and resources unique to the restaurant industry. GRA Executive Director Michael Oshman will also deliver a speech on this topic, scheduled for Sunday, May 21st at noon.
The Green Restaurant Association (GRA) was formed in 1990 to promote ecological responsibility in the foodservice industry and to endorse the products that can help restaurant owners meet their environmental goals. “Restaurant owners today face a great deal of choices – and challenges – when it comes to meeting environmental goals without detracting from customer satisfaction or breaking the bank,” says Michael Oshman, Executive Director of the GRA. “The Green Restaurant Products Pavilion offers show attendees the unique opportunity to view a broad spectrum of environmentally friendly products under one roof and learn how ‘going green’ can benefit their bottom line.”
The Green Restaurant Products Pavilion will feature information and guidance on “going green” as well as a broad selection of eco-friendly products, offering attendees the opportunity to evaluate their own environmental goals and concerns and learn more about the resources available. To complement the booth, GRA Director Michael Oshman will deliver a speech on environmental issues for foodservice professionals to consider. All Green Restaurant Products Pavilion vendors will have a representative available to discuss solutions proposed by Oshman’s address.
About the Green Restaurant Association
The Green Restaurant Association, a national non-profit organization, encourages, supports and promotes ecological responsibility in the foodservice industry, which represents 10 percent of the U.S. economy. The national non-profit organization provides services in research, consulting, education, marketing and community organizing. For more information, please visit